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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#108479   2016-09-30 01:22          
# Sam C : Currently downloading it on pc, starting to regret my decision a little bit...

1. They have recycled fucking car sounds.. some of the cars sound like shit! spent to much time on flashy drivertars and off road shit. playground is trying to make it an arcade rally..

2. A lot of cars are just ported from the previous series with a few minor touchups.

3. Handling is garbage! from what Ive seen its very much arcadey.

4. The PC version has horrible horrible input lag at anything under 60fps

1. Get fucked, too bad, make better sounds then

2. Make better cars then

Its Horizon, not Motorsport, supposed to be easy to drive, turn your assists off, get gud

4. Get a better pc, i run maxed out at 45 and have no input lag, so you're already fucked, skip number 1.

5. Where'd 3 go? Why is there a 5?