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#135944   2018-01-18 15:17          
Bigg Boss93:
2ish hours
Well you got that right this is a matter of resources decoding the RTTI in Slrr would probably take more time then you will spend on adjusting the settings in your lifetime combined.
But if you are feeling enthusiastic and want to jump into it maybe just trying to decode the structure specific to the glows I would suggest this program:
(from this hmm "blog" LINK)
and the fact that there is a "int ptr" field in the Native class in Slrr which will tell you the current runtime address of a given object (Native is the base class of almost everything you can access through scripting it goes Native->ResourceRef->GameRef->GameType)

If you mean the physics out of game in a tool that would be possible I could add this to the car-phys adjuster program (but my guess is nobody found it in the SlrrEchaustive pack yet).