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Posts: 1366
Location: Estonia
Occupation: x
Age: 24
V$: 16,666
#126494   2017-08-12 21:42          
Thanks! The place I've seen JZX100 Crestas the most is Ebisu. Comfy car for a daily I'd day, just a little too big in Tokyo. About the Work wheels I'll have to see about them, they're full of small scratches and two barrels have dents.
Anyway as promised, pictures of my new house. It's 3 stories high. It was built this year so we're the first owners. Garage is nice and long, I could possibly fit 2 kei cars in there.
You may ask, how are all the streets and houses so clean? Our street has a "tradition" of cleaning our homes every month, in- and outside. That's why these buildings get never dirty.

Tomorrow I'll go to Nerima or other UP GARAGE and see if I'll find anything cool for my Cresta. I'd really like to find a steering wheel adapter that fits or anything else cool.