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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#55811   2014-11-24 23:37          
{3 days later}

I'm at Ebisu!! I just saw this sweet BMW M Coupe and tried to get a pic of it with my phone... I need a new camera xD I managed to catch him in the pits, because he pulled into the stall next to mine... I love the Hoonigan rims... but he wanted a grand for the set, no tires... As for the Fiero, the officials tried to give me shit about the brakes, saying the calipers gripped to hard... So I dialed them down. Ahh, the luxuries of Brembo... other then that, just waiting on Phantom and Facepalm...

Added 59 minutes later:

I was drifting the Ponti, waiting for the other two to show up, and I had my big collision! I think its easy to say, this bumper is a gonner...

Added 1 hour later:

So, I've been working on the Corolla behind the scenes, and I decided to give the second spot on the trip to it... Right now, shes in the trailer, So I'm gonna go pull it out and shoot some pics of it... I didn't set it up as a complete drifter, but more like a show car that CAN drift...

This post was edited by dxg1997 (2014-11-25 01:39, ago)
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