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Posts: 1133

Location: --- Midnight City
Occupation: REKT
Age: 13
#56983   2014-12-07 07:07          
# dxg1997 : I wanna get rid of those ugly rims. Any suggestions?
I'd say to keep them,polish them up and stretch on some decent tyres.

Welcome to the newcomer.
Within the last 5 weeks, I did some work on the S13. I fixed my passenger's door hinge and changed the steering column as well as repaired the bumper slapped it back on. I also won a pair of SSR old school wheels at an auction for only $250USD COMPLETE with tyres :D
I'm not sure if I'll keep the wheels but I just threw them onto the S13 to see how they'd look. End result= badass.

16x8.5 and my spacers give the S13 an aggressive old school look.

Fixed up the bumper a bit and put it back on. That'll do.
u avin a giggle m8 il bash ye hed in i swer on me mum
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