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Posts: 295

Location: Estonia
Age: 23
#56989   2014-12-07 10:41          
Oh god.. Im in love with that s13 coupe!
(half month later) My Jetta is looking good! I found this handmade exhaust pipe from a local scrapyard, and my friend was kind enuf to give me these wheels :) bought some coils for 300 :D IDK if they are gonna break or not xD I hope not lol

Added 55 seconds later:

The Coils and wheels are not on yet!!!

Added 5 minutes later:

smexy :3

Added 37 minutes later:

I love that s13 coupe soooo much that I thought that I need to buy one :D its fcked up pretty bad but hey, Its a project :D

This post was edited by MjM (2014-12-07 11:25, ago)
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