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Posts: 3

Location: United Kingdom
#57015   2014-12-07 16:08          
- The Next Day -

So last night I took my beloved Blackline for a couple pulls & digs down the Nevada highway, so proud of my bitch as she was able to reach just over 140mph until she ran out of road, so I pulled in the gas station... And to my surprise fuel out here is real frickin cheap! Upon finding that out I've been thinking about swapping the fuel line on the V6 for something that can handle a little more. Would like to get her to drink some 98 Octane, however given the age of this engine I don't wanna risk it..

Anyone got any recommendations as to what to do with the fuel system? I heard that switching to carbs may help increase raw power but not to sure?

Anyways, for now I'm just cruising daily waiting for some info. Also dad needs a pickup for work and saw a little PT pickup on Valolist for $4500, not too sure whats wrong with it but I'd say it's a decent price?

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