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Posts: 882

Location: Indonesia
Occupation: Delusional Artist
Age: 26
V$: vipka
#57154   2014-12-09 12:16          
first, sorry for my bad english ._. it's going to be a prologue to my roleplaying.... sorta.

Well, it have been 4 months since i have my first car, a 1990 Nissan Skyline GTS-T.

For me, there's nothing special about this car except the rims... who doesn't like BBS anyway ?

...And it could drift well, which is surprising me, i never thought an R32 had a FR drivetrain. (meh, i know i'm an idiot.)

This little beast had win a lot of amateur championships around Hiroshima Pref. and i'm getting some a bit of sponsors, and money, obviously :P

Well yesterday, when i'm doing some hooning around bihoku for preparing the upcoming drift tournament, i left my car in a garage to take some snacks outside the circuit area, when suddenly
Yamada-san shouts that someone was trying to wreck my car, and i rushed to the garage, but it's too late.

we're trying to bring it outside the garage and damn, it's really messed up. :(

i was so upset and desperate at that time realizing i can't compete the upcoming tournament, some eyewitness says that a fagit with an FC3S and
his crew did this, suddenly i realize that's the guy who i pwned at the last drift tournament.

Well, Shit. :headbang:

but suddenly, someone was coming to me and giving some introduction stuffs, he said that he's coming from Blitz and Blitz want to be my sponsors and giving an
offer to repair and upgrade my car for the upcoming tournament, free of charge :O . without a doubt i accept that offer and boom, that's how it started :D

gonna continue this roleplay story ASAP, i think.
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