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Posts: 42

Location: Denmark
Occupation: I'm a rapper, and a car fanatic obviously.
Age: 30
#73163   2015-05-11 19:19          
# Daniel : No there isn't any. Only solution is to make some, or take those in the pic and make them standalone so that you can use it for other cars.

Does it look like im a part of the "staff" on this forum? If I was, these posts would be gone and your ass would be kicked out. (:

Also, very creative choise of words. The "cunt" part really fit well together with the "retarded" and "fucks".

Well what do I know, that's just how I interpret it when you're one of the wise guys? :P - But I guess you're right, we shouldn't be arguing in this tread since it's irrelevant. You can go ahead and PM me if you wanna keep the <3 flowing ;)

Added 26 seconds later:

# David_2709 :
Cmon, it's not that hard. You ask a question, you get it answered or given the help to help yourself.

EXACTLY! No need to be rude about it Daniel, just be nice. It really doesn't hurt ;)