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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#78371   2015-07-17 04:42          
# PXRZ : Only thing I find troubleing is how the transmissions from the V6 would mount onto the V8 and package errors at the DevilĀ“s V6 engine.
V6 FWD / transverse transmissions attaching to the V8 is intended behavior. I didn't see a reason to duplicate the V6 FWD transmissions in the V8, especially when V8 FWD cars are so rare.

Package errors in the Devil's V6 engine can be fixed if you delete all of the ".class" files (not the .java files!!) from the scripts folder, or by re-downloading the engine.
# ijdevil : I just want a low profile supercharger for my devils v8
Again - heading for public release soon!