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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#88032   2015-12-27 01:22          
Download the complete Java sources and search for You should be able to see what it uses.

Also, you're close, but not quite. In the engine block source code, it should be:
            the_car.SFX_trans_fwd = [REPLACE WITH YOUR SOUND EFFECT TYPEID];
            the_car.rpm_trans_fwd = [REPLACE WITH AN RPM NUMBER FROM 1 to 10000];
            the_car.SFX_trans_rev = [REPLACE WITH YOUR SOUND EFFECT TYPEID];
            the_car.rpm_trans_rev = [REPLACE WITH AN RPM NUMBER FROM 1 to 10000];
            the_car.SFX_ignition = [REPLACE WITH YOUR SOUND EFFECT TYPEID];
            the_car.sfx_starter_rpm = [REPLACE WITH AN RPM NUMBER FROM 1 to 10000];