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Posts: 3

Location: Argentina
Occupation: College Student
Age: 28
#91311   2016-02-13 01:22          
# KeeJay : Tires are too complex in my opinion as for first mod. I'd recommend you doing rim following this tutorial.

I saw this tutorial before for convert the wheel, and worked really fine for me, i tried a lot of times to make the .rpk of teh tyre and i cant see that on tyres catalog, for now i'm still convert wheels, is more easy :P , thanks ;)

Added 7 minutes later:

# mindeliszz : can't see how tires are more complex than rims :confused2:
yeah, i thought to convert the rims and tyres, but the tyres is more hard to work fine in game :P

This post was edited by CarlosJDM86 (2016-02-13 01:30, ago)
Trying to do something about SLRR modding, I don't know about script, but at leat, I keep trying...