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Posts: 1143

Location: Bosnia And Herzegovina Lukavac
Occupation: Electrictian
Age: 30
V$: V$756
#103208   2016-07-14 19:50          
Spain trip is over and I am home again. As I mentioned yestrday the cars rear end started to behave strange, I feel like it is loose and needs some changes. As I arrived I emediatly drove to the garage to give the car on a inspection on to change all faulty parts and to do the 4WD siste....Yes I am going from RWD to AWD and installing the ATTESA-S sistem...Zilla will stay for 15-20 days in the garage, depending on what needs replacing and the shipping of the parts from Japan.....

Now afther I took a cab and went home, one of my cousns customers came to me and told me to go whit him to see something that he has got (I resprayed his E39 M5).
He bought a house from a bank auction cheap and when he went to check it out he found something awesome!!!!

Yep its a Datsun 240K!!!! The owner of the car bought it new afther his return from Vietnam (and yes he was a USA citizen), and 5 years later he moved to Germany.
The car was in a crash as you can see on the photos both front and rear ends are damaged, hood is bent, rear bumper is bent too, missing right headlights and both tail lights, engine is missing too and the car is rusted as fck not to mention that the interior is totaly gone.

He said that he doesn't know what to do whit the car, that he doesn't have time and money to make it a runner again, and it would be a shame to scrape the car so he decided to sell it to me.....I said him : "I know that the car is famouse, rare and expencive in runing condition but this is clearly a junkyard car its mega expencive to repair so I give you max V$1500", he accepted the offer whitout any arguing cause he knew that he couldn't get 1/3 of that money if he sold the car to a junkyard.
I will take the car to the garage tomorrow and afther that gonna check out the story of that car, cause as I heared he was a good neighbour and lived there since 1980s and was friendly.....I just hope that I didn't bite more then I can chew!!!!!
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