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Posts: 1143

Location: Bosnia And Herzegovina Lukavac
Occupation: Electrictian
Age: 30
V$: V$756
#103595   2016-07-22 10:38          
Thanks bro
The HCR32 is currently in a garage where they are checking the drife shaft diffs and installing the ATTESA-S system. Engine block was modified, the cylinder capacity was increased from 2600ccm to 3000ccm, RB30 HKS Titanium Crankshaft, Con-Rods, Pistons, Cylinder head, Camshafts and intake manifold, HKS RB30DETT exhaust manifold whit HKS Twins giving out 4bars of boost (2 bars each). Old pipeing were replaced for a much more lighter pipeing, the new engine is way more powerfull then the old and its way more durable and lighter then the old engine, and lets not forget the chipping that Octavio done for me the car has 1206 HP now and is acting strange....Need to fix those problems to make it my daily again.

Added 14 minutes later:

# HomerHarbi : OMG DUDE! That would be so AWESOME! I even might do some laps with my Gita :)

You wellcome bro!! Well you two are free to come any day afther July 25th (thats untill my HCR32 arrives from the shop)

Added 8 seconds later:

So the past few days were pure blood sweat and beers xD

I am really thnkful to my cousn for helping me out on this one!!!!!He closed his garage for 3 days took all his workers and helped me to weld a new roof, floor and engine bay!!!!!
The rest of the car is pretty solid so it will not be as hard as the previouse work!!!!

You know the feeling when you hear something awesome and go for it straight whitout watching the details, same happened here.
I decided to fix up the car and sell it to that japanese guy that colects them when he told me that he wants a freaking 2000GTR C110 not a 240K Datsun, so I made a deal whit him I would restore the 240K in to a GTR and send it to him, he accepted but instead 50 grand I will get only 25 grand for it.
He will help me out whit getting all the OEM parts for it for this resturation.
One of the main differences between Datsun 240K and the 2000GTR C110 is the rear quater panel, the GTR has a round shape and a flare over it while the 240K has a thing metal sheet that follows the rear line and covers the wheel, so I used ma tools and opened that space up.

Now I am waiting to hear from him about doors, quater pannels, trunk door, interior and what color does he want it to be,and ofcourse the SOHC engine for the GTR...I pray for no more dead ends on this car since its rebuild will cost a whole damn lot!!!!!!!!
Well at least this car will cover the engine for the Audi and few engine parts for the Imp :D

This post was edited by Phonexius (2016-07-22 12:13, ago)
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