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Posts: 866

Location: Canada
Occupation: pizza man
Age: 22
V$: h
#112113   2016-12-27 22:42          
Some stuff happened since the sorta-crash. I bought a 240SX, and the R32 got some aesthetic modifications. Fenders, sideskirts, and a spoiler from a friend of mine who has a bunch of spare Nissan parts. I also picked up some new wheels because my front left XXR was damaged when the front end slammed down.
(yes i have my hood still)

Now, the 240SX. I have to hand it to David, he found a very sturdy 240SX. Runs good, body is in great shape. What more could you ask for from a basic bitch Japanese car?

$14,215 - $1500 (aero) - $1200 (Volk Racing CV-Pro "17) - $3100 (Nissan 240SX) + $415 (Paycheque) = $8830

((Played around with my graphics, looks much better now in my opinion.))
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