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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#11292   2012-03-26 09:13          
Awesome job, you doing alot of intresting mods! :awesome:
# meskis : little question, is it possible with wrench (when removing) to make, that you will remove running gear parts from brakes, then springs, shocks, and then front and rear arms, just by clicking on any part of running gear? clicking on any parts, just remove part by part as i mentioned above :) because sometimes it is pain in the ass to remove those parts
btw, after reading this, i reminded a question i had in mind for a long time, its possible remove/dismount parts(any component installed on the chassis) from the list of parts(in the info button on the garage hud)?
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O