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Posts: 376
Location: Japan probably
Occupation: Yes
Age: 25
V$: 5.300
#113245   2017-01-12 20:13          
Hehe well fuqq.. I went to a local autocross event to finally make some legal skids since we don't have any actual official drift events in Germany (which is a shame..) But of course I had to damage the car a bit. I mean atleast it's only the bumpers that got effed but it's still a shame ._.

It also made me think.. Why shouldn't I revamp phase 2 a bit and actually go with another style? I mean it was cool to drive around in a (kind-of) replica of Koguchis old 180sx but I guess it's time for something different from me. It's sad to know that it's not gonna be as clean as before but meh.. Most of the parts weren't original anyways :v

This post was edited by Renaruto (2017-01-12 21:26, ago)
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