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Posts: 1504
Location: England Da North
Occupation: Ford Technician
Age: 29
V$: 22,905
#123798   2017-06-26 14:23          
...Bad Luck Happens To Us All...

Driving the S13 for a weekend cruise through the city... Nothing bad can happen? Well i pulled up at the lights and waiting for it to go green i hear something tearing up in the nearby street, i think nothing of it. Green
I set off and go straight ahead then bammmm me and the car go across the street into oncoming traffic and a truck is missing its front end on the other side. Lucky i had my belt on but the car is literally fucked... I try getting out by i get a twinge and really painful feeling in my neck. I stay still. The truck driver gets out and does a runner but i manage to get his plate salvaged by a passer by and i keep it so i can at least get insurance money etc. The police come and ambulance arrives. Im taken to the local A&E and sorted after a few hours apart from i have a cone on my head . Embarrassing .

All i could think about was my baby but shes in a mechanics shop being assessed for damage and how much i can get back including compensation from the driver.

A Few days go by and i get my money and feel some what better but i can never get back what i put into that beast. However i was told the engine was fine just needed to have some new lines redone since they was trapped and cut.

So a RB isn't so bad but i need a car to put it in. Trying to look with my fucked up cone didnt do much help but i thought fuck it, and took it off. I tried to not move my neck as much but it feels better now and i can at least turn left and right a little bit.

Well anyway the car was declared a write off and was sent to scrap but i did get $10000 back from compo and insurance etc.
R.I.P S13 RB26 beast thing.
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