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Posts: 1504
Location: England Da North
Occupation: Ford Technician
Age: 29
V$: 22,905
#123852   2017-06-27 14:10          
Picked the ER34 up last night, like really late since the guy was wanting to show us its 'downhill potential'. I agreed and went and it can rip shockingly.
Its millenium green or something like that and it looks sexy with the 25GT but i do want to get Z-Tune parts or at least reps.
It does have some GTR parts, such as GTR brakes and a GTR steering wheel which looks sick. It cost me 4k and i can at least now tear out the stock 2.5 and change it for the 2.6
Here's the whip:

13439 - 4000 = 9439
9439 left
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