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Posts: 721

Location: Japan Osaka
Occupation: JDM Car enthusiast
Age: 29
V$: broke
#128400   2017-09-11 09:13          
So , long story short , I arrived. Remember when I said I wanted a house with a bigger garage ? Well , I bought a huge garage , but no house. Why ? Because it was really cheap and why shouldn't I live in the garage :awesome: ? Here are some pics :

You may think I'm crazy , but for 7000V$ , this was a hidden jem. The best thing about this is that I can actually live here. It has a bed , a chicken (XDDDD I meant kitchen lmfao), a bathroom , heat , and a lot of space for cars.

I am still working as a mechanic. (FYI I applied to the job online).

And look ! I even have a vending machine !

The best thing about this is that I have a car lift so I can finally work efficiently.

I live alone now , so I guess I am going to cook for myself... (I already miss my moms food xD)

here are the current funds : 11000V$-7000V$(garage/home)-50V$(food)+1000V$(salary from old job)=4950V$ left

Added 1 minute later:

# Sleepin mOnkey : Nice s14 let's race togheter here in cali
I can't wait to drift with you !!!
Added 52 seconds later:

# Lagano : That huge wing and bash bar really weren't necessary tbh. Also don't drive your Silvia on the road in USA! Just some friendly advice :)
Why ? Are the roads bad or something ?
Added 43 minutes later:

So , I've removed the camber on the E36 because I want that to be my daily car. The Bimmer now sits at 8,50 on the front and 8,75 on the back.

This post was edited by ErwinFenyvesi23 (2017-09-11 10:05, ago)