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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#135545   2018-01-12 02:12          
So, i've been testing your reshade thang a bit, and i came to this(which should be pretty much obvious, but maybe isnt?!) conclusion..

First off let me show you these pics;

What i did was a really easy trick, first off i pointed the car, found the framing i wanted, then i rotated the camera around itself by 180°, in order to make it face the opposite direction(pic 1), i have enabled and disabled reshade and rotated the camera back to the original position and took the 2nd pic, as you can see now it's reflecting what i "cached" before, which is exactly what you see in pic 1.

While on pic 3 you can see what(you already know) happens once i have reactivated reshade, the car started reflecting itself.

So, speaking about a simple and dumb solution, you'd have to add an "universal" camera that points in the exact opposite direction than the one that you're using on the main viewport, make a small(1/4, 1/6 of the whole reso) viewport that must be moved out of the actual game viewport(kinda like the original mirror, just moved outside or under the main one), then you pick its image rather than the main one, and tadaaa, you've got sorta realistic reflections(still far from realistic but not as bad as a self-reflecting car).

Another thing you could do, in order to avoid a gpu overload(more than it already does, as it was making my sl run at 7fps in Valo, and i have a pretty decent gpu), is allowing in a way or another to lock the reflection caching, basically the same thing that happens when you disable the effects, but with a button and without, obviously, losing any of the other effects.

This way people could simply point their car, turn the camera around, stop the reflections, turn it back to its position and SNAP! Take a screenshot.

Here's other two random test screenshots;

It really needs proper AA >_>
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)