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#135942   2018-01-18 14:10          
Bigg Boss93:
light glows
Bigg Boss93:
physics visualizer
We dont have RTTI in SLRR.

Bigg Boss93:
ground ones but without physics
The physics and the visuals are defined separately in a maprpk. You can remove (or move out of the way) the corresponding phys entries from the rpk. (refer to the technical description of rpks on the slrrexhaustive page and there is a program in the pack which can open the maprpks this is it (LINK))
You want to run the SCXMarker program, click render, select from the filetypes the PHYS one, open the rpk, select the topmost list element from the right, named Marker, the renderer will highlight the selected PHYS object, if you press space it will move it to the abyss (y-=1000 or something like that), you move the camera with the middlemousebutton and rotate it with the other mousebuttons, when you are done click SavePhysPoly and itt will save the rpk.