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#138094   2018-02-28 21:27          
just a question is there a way you can script a trigger in box aspect instead of radial aspect like SLRR does?

This was quite some time ago but I found out that there is a box trigger "natively" in the game check the source of the Trigger class there is a constructor for it:
public Trigger( GameRef parent, GameRef type, Vector3 pos, float x, float y, float z, String alias)
	if( type == null )
		type = new GameRef( DEFAULT );
        trigger = new GameRef(parent,, pos.toString() +",0,0,0,box,"+ x +","+ y +","+ z, alias);

Added 30 minutes later:

Oh and I'm fairly certain that the 3 zeros following the position are the ypr rotation coordinates.
trigger = new GameRef(parent,, pos.toString() +",y,p,r,box,"+ x +","+ y +","+ z, alias);
So someone can make box triggers with 9 degrees of freedom if needs be.

Added 1 hour 23 minutes later:

Here is a function for ease of use (this can be used with the addTrigger function of the track class with the signature:
public Trigger addTrigger( Trigger t, Vector3 pos, RenderRef marker, String handler )
public Trigger MakeBoxTrigger( GameRef parent, GameRef type,
  Vector3 pos, float x, float y, float z,
  float yaw, float pitch,float roll, String alias)
  Trigger ret = new Trigger(parent,type,pos,alias);
  if( type == null )
    type = new GameRef( system:0x00000034r );
  ret.trigger = new GameRef(parent,, pos.toString() +","+yaw+","+pitch+","+roll+",box,"+ x +","+ y +","+ z, alias);
  return ret;

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-02-28 23:21, ago)