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Posts: 418

Location: Philippines MNL
Occupation: Yes I ruin cars
Age: 34
V$: wat
#144502   2018-07-11 18:19          
# radcoon : Getting better and better! Still (and i said this quite some times) one of the nicest things around!

Thanks man! You make me want an AE86 thoooo :drool2:

# ErwinFenyvesi23 : Oof , thats a nice seat right there man ! I love it !

Thanks man! It's no Bride but ish gewd :thumbsup:

# MACKAY : Oh man, those seats, they are perfect mix of comfort and support while racing, had them in my Nismo Z'. How is such a hot boi like you still using stock steering wheel, someone get this man a Nardi or Key's racing wheel lol.

They areeeeee perfect for C-REX haha, who knows, maybe they came from your Z! I had to buy Recaro rails for these so they must've come off a different car. And look no further for that Nardi because...

Goodbye Old Skool Honda Steering Wheel!

YESSS another s m o l update. As MACKAY mentioned, the OEM Honda wheel just doesn't do it anymore, both in terms of style and performance. SOOO I got this Nardi boi for a mere 32,000 yen (V$320).

Enjoy pics!


Before but with the window down:


After but with the window down:

RELAX!! ぽ苛ぞ

V$19,235 - V$300 (There goes the rest of my paycheck lol) = V$18,935

s t a y c l a s s y