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Posts: 721

Location: Japan Osaka
Occupation: JDM Car enthusiast
Age: 29
V$: broke
#145268   2018-07-19 16:29          
# MACKAY : Nah, we doing it tonight, because most of the time when I take break I lose motivation to do something. We won't be going alone, there will be few others which I will introduce you to, obviously at midnight as no one wants to commit suicide during the day.

Okay then ! I'm up for that ! I'll bring the Redbulls and you bring the materials and we'll work 'till morning ! I can't wait to see your wangan friends and their cars. I've been thinking and lately I've had this urge to put the pedal to the metal in the Supra and see what happens , maybe I'll join the Wangan gang as well , who knows ? :P