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Posts: 430

Location: Bangladesh
Occupation: topkek
V$: yes
#145774   2018-07-23 14:28          

TAKING SHAPE(really f-ing slowly)

Sooo i havent posted in a few days. been a bit busy running around getting parts for this car (also made another big purchase OwO stay tuned). think its safe to say it looks like a car now, from the outside at least

new trueno coupe taillights (on a levin xD)
and the center molding piece for the trunk

new levin headlights FINALLY

And ofc, to prepare for the new engine, the old blown 4A has been taken out. maybe i'll part out whatevers left of it if anyone wants it. or just sell the whole thing somewhere.

Thats that. Update on the new purchase i was talking about coming soon!

V$ 18,500-200(headlights)-170(taillights)-40(trunk molding) = V$ 18,090
= V$ 18,505

This post was edited by mostofa.25 (2018-07-23 19:29, ago)
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