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Posts: 430

Location: Bangladesh
Occupation: topkek
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#149653   2018-09-26 17:57          
# RocketBunnyS13 : HELL YES. That trip was an absolute joy! We should defo come back, maybe bring Marc along with us?


FOR SURE we need to come again, with Marc ofc xD
bet he's been alone at the crib watching hentai 24x7 while we were out xDDDDDD
Also THANKS! <3

Added 53 seconds later:

# snn475san : Ayeeee,i had amazing time with you guys,thank you for visiting!
We will have to do this again!
Amazing photos,have a safe trip back!

Added 58 seconds later:

# Nightrunner : wow what an amazing trip . God damn , that supra saw better times lmao . Actually i can smell those pictures of that interior . It’s worse than Post Malone tbh . Anyway , i think we should meet up finally
lmao was an amazing trip indeed
Also yeah sure come over to the garage

Added 2 minutes later:

# Franklin : Ooooooooooooooooooffffffffff ,Nice supra dude! I'm very excited for this project. If u want to come to the workshop , you're welcome!

P.S : Dude , that interior didn't look so bad , is a little dirty but isn't too bad, once i picked up a 93' Geo Metro in copart for a trashcan race with erwin and some guys in san diego in our highschool moments, and the backseat was filled with alcohol bottles , cigarettes, rotten chinese food, trash , puke, blood and some other white staining, and it smell like if u let a dead pig in the car for years mixed with all the mess that a bunch of drunked teenagers can make a very hardcore night, i don't want to know what happened but we can imagine, but that doesn't matter because i gutted it, because RACECAR lmao.
Lesson : Don't buy a biohazard car for less than a grand in copart if u don't want to gut it, trust me lmao
LMFAO cant even imagine how bad that metro was.
definitely seen some sides of human abuse xDDDDDDDDDDDD

Also thanks a lot!

Added 1 minute later:

# Haku : I love this Supra, flip ups are great. Looks fairly clean all things considered! I would love to save up and come check out a bunch of the cool builds you guys have going on in Japan, as well as get some parts. Though, finishing my new car is something that's priority. Can't wait to see what you do with this thing and maybe you can import me some parts soon ;) :))
Aye feel free to come over! our garage is always open for friendo's
Also yup i'll be able to export you JDM stuff i guess. hmu if you need smth ;)

And thank youu!

Added 1 minute later:

# Lagano : Ah, Mk3 is always a beauty! It's actually good that it's kinda forgotten because of the famous Mk4 which means you can get one for dirt cheap haha. Interior is a mess but you can always strip it completely! :P Anyway good luck with it, hope you won't have much problems.
i dont plan to strip it all of it out
Maybe just man up and spend a whole damn day cleaning this place smh
YUP agree Mk3's are beautiful
Thanks a lot man!

Added 2 minutes later:

# MACKAY : Damn, I was thinking too, did I really saw AJ in Osaka? It is true, my eyes did not lie haha, you guys are lucky I couldn't make an u turn to chase you down. Give me a proper call or send a message next time you guys are in Osaka! :thumbsup:

Also it is awesome to see something else, not a lot of MK3' are built correctly, but I am sure this one will be good! Being around such new cars at the moment I forgot how beautiful those pop ups are, ahh, can't wait for the build to start.

Yeah for sure you saw AJ there lmao

i'll try my best to make this thing REAL good. build starting very soon hopefully
and thank you! means a lot :D

also yup, whenever we go to Osaka next, we'll be sure to stop by your place! ;)

Current owned cars:
- Toyota Supra GA-JZA70 Mk3
- BMW E46 M3
- Nissan Skyline ECR33 GTS25t
- Nissan 200SX Hatchback
- BMW E92 335i
- Nazda RX-7 FD3S Type RS
- Mazda RX-7 JF1FD (USDM)
- Nissan Silvia S14