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Sleepin mOnkey

Posts: 2459

Location: Japan Universe, Milky way ,Solar system, Earth
Occupation: Automotive engineer Student
Age: 33
V$: 14.750
#151979   2018-12-05 20:23          
# Franklin : In wangan idk, because wangan is an endurance race, for speed, not acceleration, because wangan race you expect 300kmh easy in straight lines or wide corners, for long time, so is required a long gearbox ratio for high speed, so idk that the 86 can keep up in wangan, also i told you thatthe car will need heavy work in chassis, suspension, etc.

However in the touge, the thing is completely different, because you will need acceleration, handling and instant power, not so much final speed, and in there the 86 is a killer! because is nimble, powerful, and the handling is beautyful! In touge the 86 will be pretty even with the supra, because my car is powerful, but heavy an big, not good in touges so in the long straights i'm in advantage, but in the corners and short straights you are in advantage, also my supra is more focused in high speeds rather than acceleration.
For every type of race are a type of car, the 86 is most like a touge, circuit or autocross race, or maybe 400mts drag race because is light,his handlingis beautyful and your car got the instant power, but for wangan, you will need long ratios, more power and a setup more focused in final speed rather than acceleration

If you do not believe me, look how many ae86 do you see in wangan and how many in touge, circuit, autocross or drag races?
It's for that reason, and do not get me wrong, your AE86 is a beast, which can sweat blood to my supra in circuits with many sharp and open curves, short straights, etc, but on highways, I do not think the ae86 can keep up so much, because the wangan focuses more on final speed rather than acceleration, also is anendurance race, holding more than 300kmh for long time, a lot of work in cooling system and lubrication is required, among other things

And in my case, my car in the current state can not compete with anyone in Wangan, I will need a new differential, the camshafts and a new tune with more turbo pressure, also need more work in the cooling system, lubrication, etc, so my car isn't competitive in wangan also :/

It is almost impossible to build a car that is perfect in touge and wangan, because one requires acceleration, and the other final speed, if you focus on one, you sacrifice the other

But hey, maybe with a longer ratio you can keep up with my actual stage of the supra, but sacrifice acceleration, which will cost you a lot in the touge, autocross or circuit, where you need acceleration rather than high speed, idk, all is possible...

In my opinion, with the 86 you would have to focus more on a circuit car, touge or autocross as you are doing now, the 86 shines like no other car in those races!

Then for wangan, try a FC, FD, R32/33/34, A70/A80, Lancer Evolution, Impreza STI, 300zx Z32, Mitsubishi GTO, etc.

But hey, you're free to do what you want, it's just my opinion and recommendation

What's more, Someday i will buy and build an ae86 for touge so we can compete in more equal conditions, so in a little bit we'll see each other face to face with two ae86, it will be very interesting!

Whenever you want we can try and race, wangan and touge, Peace!

yeah it was actually a joke proposing a race between a supra and a 86 on the wangan this car is definetly not for high speeds and yeah in the future i plan on buying a a80 or something close to a wangan build
Roleplay: A engine Builder and tuner that lives in Japan and Builds cool stuff.
Cars: Corolla Levin coupe Tog/show car
180SX s13 350hp SR20DET 6MT Babe 1
Supra Sz JZA80 2jz-Gte Vvt-i 2000's Hotboi
240sx Vert HOTBOI 2