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Posts: 430

Location: Bangladesh
Occupation: topkek
V$: yes
#155265   2019-04-17 05:54          
4 frikin cars on the 1000hp ballpark
haha yes i need to commit death

in all seriousness tho, thats more than 4000hp u have under one frame, and each of those cars look great as usual too!
OH AND THE 6 TME IS HERE! Evos might not be very comfy inside, but they almost always are a treat to drive
Overall, great stuff as usual my man :-X

Current owned cars:
- Toyota Supra GA-JZA70 Mk3
- BMW E46 M3
- Nissan Skyline ECR33 GTS25t
- Nissan 200SX Hatchback
- BMW E92 335i
- Nazda RX-7 FD3S Type RS
- Mazda RX-7 JF1FD (USDM)
- Nissan Silvia S14