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Posts: 716
Location: Cyprus Limassol
Occupation: I'm a student.
Age: 24
#17383   2012-09-20 16:26          
# radu_cainamisir : for what a new rpk?
rim rpk also using the same rpk everytime with different name it' ok?
Jc rim tut is 53 minutes long why isn't it shorter? :D

Added 20 hours 13 minutes later:

Is it possible to detach a part from a slrr car?
i marked the superduty roof but i couldn't detach it...
i gonna try to edit some stock slrr cars 'till get more knowledge...

Added 33 minutes later:

My new WIP that is converted from's the AMAZING Whisper!

Added 1 hour 35 minutes later:

I got a problem how do i add a new hood to the car, whisper has 4 hoods (1 stock and 3 replacment) but the car that whisper is based on SLRR has only 3 hoods.
Something tells me that i have to mess up with the .rpk :facepalm:

Added 1 day later:

how to fix this?
chassis not fully paintable.
also how can i hide from catalog?
do i have to set the superid of the their scx (not phys) into 0x00000000?

This post was edited by FJ (2012-10-01 11:56, ago)
Ehm...mmm I like Forza! (and BeamNG)