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Posts: 703

Location: Bulgaria Sofia
Occupation: Fast way
Age: 121
#22805   2013-03-21 20:02          
A few ways for proper looking (No Flickering) alpha channels behind transparent materials, single and double-layered decalable windows with reflections.

Single layered decalable windows with reflections:

The only thing here is that the loading order can't run paintable tranparent materials with two kind of reflections(Specular and Diffuse) so you have to choise one of these. If you don't use specular you'll get the windows with reflections.

Result of sigle layered:

You can see that on highly tinted windows decals shows clearly and looks better.


Second way is for double layered decalable windows(That you can use specular and reflections) and it's shows a proper working alpha channels behind transparent material.

Here the parts have to be separated in different loading orders, no matter for what headlights,taillight,windows. So if it windows the tint have to be a datechable part from the wondow (external layer with specular and reflections and internal only paintable)

The same is for head/taillights, the glass should be separated part and here you can use specular and reflections on the inner alpha channel part.

*All tests are made with png textures*