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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#50291   2014-10-01 23:27          
Here's a little overview of the mod with some of the new features/details.

Let's start from the main menu:

You can save your car as "Menu"(without quotes) and it will appear on the background(as 2.3.0LE), you can also leave it without any car if your computer cant manage it(slow).

Track selector pics updated.

New traffic cars and fake racers(courtesy of DHR and Robban9000).

More cars in the main menu "CAR LIST" button on car selector.


Even if it looks the same as always, it has been optimized so to be slimmer resulting in more space on the viewport.

The new RGB/HSV painter, here you can see the RGB to HSV switch highlighted.

And here the HSV to RGB one.

The hex preview(highlighted) is a button and allows to insert your custom RGB colors.

You can aswell use the typical slrr painter layout clicking on the "Open color swatches" button.

Or come back again to the RGB/HSV picker clicking again on the same spot.

The color palette can be cleared to leave space for your new custom palette, once you press the "Clear all paint colors" button it will automatically save the last color you created(the one displayed on the picker).

Here's the save color button.

The most common palettes has been included in the game(there are other few palettes not shown here) and can be loaded whenever you want to.

You can also save your custom color palettes and share them with few clicks, the only thing you have to do(after you saved the colors you like) is going to "save\palettes\", take your palette file(named as you saved it), compress it(rar) and upload.


Not many changes has been done to the catalog, the most of them were about its look(moved and renamed some buttons).

New vehicle catalog.

On Engine catalog i added "Batteries"(i hate having to search them in the "Accessories & Others" section) and moved n2o to "Pro Tuning" section.

Here i unhidden swaybars(yes, they've always been in your game and you didnt know :O lol) and edited the tyres section.

Now you can select tyres by size.

KNOWN BUGS(i will add more as soon as i find/remember of them in case there is any other):
- sometimes switching from F1 camera back to F3 the ground meshes flicker(just change again camera a couple time
to fix it)
- removing pause after you used the camera tilt functionality(if you didnt reset it before) will make the camera rotate like if you had pressed 4

- the game saves only on main menu(to prevent to lose all the cars from your garage if it crashes once you get in the track)
- if you remove some parts from the ingame garage(F6) you must reattach them before go back to garage otherwise they'll get lost

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2014-10-01 23:38, ago)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)