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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#57525   2014-12-13 23:09          

Christmas(Santa, Sled, Red, Green, Snow etc).

SLRR and WR2.


* 1 Picture per user - you CAN'T change your picture once posted.
* HAS to be a NEW screenshot, nothing you have shown in "Show off threads".
* Submit in this thread.
* After submitting here - feel free to post pictures in "Show off threads".
* BASIC photoshop is allowed: brightness, contrast, levels, curves, exposure, color vibrance, tonality, saturation, color balance and basically everything in the Image menu(this implies that if you find it outside that menu you cant use it).
* ENB blur is NOT allowed.
* ENB Ambient Occlusion is allowed.

All the pictures that will not follow the guidelines will be deleted without notice.

You CAN JOIN ONLY ONE category of christmas competition.

Submit your pictures by 22/December/2014.

Good luck! :)

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2014-12-13 23:31, ago)
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O

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