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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#59930   2015-01-08 10:07          
# axlevest : SO Three real questions:
1.) is there a quick way of discovering what cars are causing the spawning issue, any signs to look out for that can point me right to it or close enough to it?
2.) Is there a way to fix the VT's myself or is it something that strictly the author would need to do, have minor coding abilities but not sure if they are any good here
3.) Lastly, I see people use the term "good mods", obviously referring to mods that will keep the game stable and are of good quality, what are some tell tale signs to know if a mod is good or bad, as in, to know if it will be crashing the game by using it, also, what are some known good cars to use etc. that work well with MWM/BB93SLRR

Thanks guys!
Hi there

1 Not really, besides installing one car at time, making a new profile(you must create a new career profile everytime you add or remove a mod anyways) and checking the car shop until you find he VT's error.

2 I guess yes, it all depends on you.
Once you located the broken mod you have to "unmount" its rpk(convert it to rdb with the tools you can find in our download area) and open it together with the VT java(both are normal ascii text files, which means you can open them with whatever text editor) and locate which of the chassis has been deleted from the rpk, so do the same on the VT(delete all entries excluding the one/ones of the chassis/chassis' that's left on the rpk... i know it sounds hard but it really isnt.

3 You mainly recognize good mods by the modder who did them, Jesus Christ, Franco, Jaziba, Harrison15, JoeAlex, Me, Robban9000, Roli, Svander and probably i miss naming few others. Anyways these are the so called "good mods", most of them have no java errors or such, everything else is mainly showoff mods so good looking but with a hundred errors each.
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O