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Posts: 293

Location: Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovo
Occupation: Photography, Gaming
Age: 23
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#63569   2015-02-18 16:22          
# razer11 : Try one of these :

Thanks! I'll give them a try and tell you if it works.

Added 25 minutes later:

Well I tried both and the first one I couldn't do because I couldn't figure out how to set up the SLRR profile, second one I did but the game still doesn't look quite as I want it. I'm not sure if I've done something wrong and it's not doing anything at all.

Added 9 days later:

I still can't get this Anti-Aliasing to work at all. I'm currently using Coprone's ENB and Anti-Aliasing is pumped to 16xQ CSAA in NVidia Control Panel yet it's not working at all ingame. What am I doing wrong?

This post was edited by MartyTheGamer (2015-02-27 17:44, ago)