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Posts: 38

Location: Chile ViƱa del Mar
Occupation: Student
Age: 28
#63739   2015-02-20 05:18          
# KeeJay : But it's Stage 1, BBSLRR, Jack's or some other? Also, is it one of premodded SLRRs?
It may be broken car's scripts or broken track's java or you simply need an opponent for them (but as far I know, both TG Test Track and Shutokou don't need them in stock)

It is the original version, i solved the shutokou and the top gear test problem, now my main problem is valo, it takes AGES to load, and i dont know why, none of my cars makes it crash so its all good there, any help you can give me there?

Added 54 seconds later:

# pouchki974 : hellos , here I have a problem after install several mods engine, the engine appears nowhere in the catalog. I use slrrBB93

I don't know why that might happen, but you aren't supposed to install several mods at once, try installing them one by one and it might work