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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#67642   2015-03-24 22:01          
# MADAZ_09 : i can throw things at doge without Mr 93 going nuts at me and giving me afterschool detention?
You will actually get a prize if you do it. You could also bully with ey granma, like throwing his books out of the window.. nah, i dont like people ruining books. Throw him.
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O