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Posts: 3764
Location: Slovenia
Occupation: professional parking lot hoonigan
Age: 25
V$: 웃
#69946   2015-04-10 16:21          
too black.

Added 2 minutes later:

how abut dis?

who kled teh sohutobx 2015: "a vciuz clod nght, a mstrouz dok liek hman cratur iz satndnig aobv a box, fled wtih buld and bnoz. perpra tu fluw teh jrne of ogmadh, a mdi-aegd gui who drvz a fero, and jsuz crhits, a gui who unfortunateli hez teh sam nam az a reilgiuz presno doz. wtch az tehi cahs dog, teh msaz sohutobx mrudeerr in vlao ctii, a ctii wer craz flat, and pdstranz luk liek siht. wtch az tehi dirv aorudn in thir rced out carpbxoz, a fero and a cvic, az tehi cahs dog in hiz salmde glof. i'tz so salmde, dat it acculy dsn't mov. iz ur aunz perpaerd fer diz jrne? who kled teh sohutobx, teh mvoi 2105. cmoign sun tu a thater naer yu. rted b fer blockz.

"...he's a good boy, just as you'd expect from a shibe" -Bigg Boss93