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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#91776   2016-02-19 21:20          
Crook honestly i think the money thing is kinda bad, if you're a good roleplayer you wont need all of that stuff, you will be able to manage your virtual money properly and make a nice story around your alias' life.

Added 7 minutes later:

# Smurf : We could have three sub-sections for the builds

Fixed Income: We go with Crooks idea.

Realistic: We pick our occupations and where we live then try to keep our spending and choice vehicles within our occupations and areas limits.

Free For All: Basically to keep all the 1 day builds away from the rest where people who hate them don't have to see them.

This we all get something.

I knew this was going to become so hard. It cant be done that way for the simple reason that it'd be too splitted. As i said before(about 9k times now) money is useless anyways because a good roleplayer knows how to sort shit out without anyone telling them if they have 1000 or 20000 bucks.

People will automatically stop reading crappy stories or answering on their threads, which means that the OP will either start doing it properly or stop playing at all(which btw, is a big loss for us, quite annoying from my perpective) and be more active(well this not really automatically, people should stop being lazy as they are waiting for others to comment on their builds and never doing it theirself first) on the various threads, they can also arrange a story between them and post it time by time so to make a more complex story told by more than one user(see my RP featuring Harrison15).

Added 2 minutes later:

I'm gonna read this all again later tonight or tomorrow and finally set definitive rules so we can start our new threads. I'm sure that if all of us will do their part(being active in eachother's thread) it'll become really nice and fun. :)

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2016-02-19 21:30, ago)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)