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Posts: 70

Location: Norway
Occupation: Young Metro don't trust me
#94272   2016-03-06 22:13          
# Mikingo : dem s15 :>
Sexiest S chassis ever!

I kinda bought it.
Well the story is simple, i saw the auction on Yahoo and decided that i HAVE to have it. Quick call to my friend if he can drive me down to this guy's home (he lives in Kishiwada which is on the other side of Nara, that's about 2 hours away), he replied with a hell yeah! Next thing i know im in his little kei car on the Minami-hanna highway blasting Apple tree by Wolfmother and eating some McDonalds!

So we arrive at the guy's house and i see the S15 on the driveway, first thing i see is a different exhaust and he didn't state that in the description. It's basically a straight pipe and it's loud AS F**CK, at first i was worried because i had to drive it all the way home, but it's pretty quiet inside so my worries disappeared :P

So i took it for a spin and quickly fell in love with how easily it drove! (Note: i've been driving the JZX90 for the longest time so compared to the S15 the JZX is a freaking boat) The car is in pretty solid shape but the paint needs love so i managed to lower the price a little and ended up paying 320,000 Yen which is approx. 2,900V$

(Basically stock)

-It's a Spec-S with Spec-R bumpers

-127,000 real and documented Kilometers

-Stock SR20DET

-Straight Pipe

Here are some pictures :D

Here is when we pulled up to his driveway, only one pic tho :\

Then i drove up to UP Garage where couple of my good friends work, just wanted to show off the new ride :P

And when i came home me and my girlfriend went out to the Cinema to watch some movies

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