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Posts: 372

Location: Germany Munich
Occupation: Co-Owner of LowLadies
Age: 36
V$: 4100
#95106   2016-03-16 16:43          
Looks rlly bad with that much rust.Try to fix it, but imo if it stood 6 years this thing is bad.The engine on the other hand even though it was covered and looks good, is still not good.A engine that doesnt work for 6 years is almost as dead.Trust me, same thing was with my CA18 irl, engine still needed a owerhaul even thought it was looking nice from outside.Thats why you fire up the engine every month at least once so it doesnt stand untuched for to long.Hope you can fix it, but imho its to much work and money.Would be easyer to grab a healthyer shell.
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