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Posts: 135
Location: Croatia Popovaca
Occupation: Remaking menus and other $h1z
Age: 23
V$: 2 000
#1   2015-12-24 23:21          
Hey guys,i need help with something (obviously).

How can i edit cars' descriptions/names/prices?

Because i want to put custom descriptions that actually tell a story about the car :P
This is the current state (and yes,i'm using meskis' textures :) )

Please help soon



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Location: Australia Melbourne
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Age: 26
#2   2015-12-25 00:56          
Description and Name is easy, not sure about price though.

1. Find your SLR:R directory
2. Go into cars/racers/(your chosen car you would like to edit)
3. Go into it's "scripts" folder
4. Then into "src"
5. Find the file that directly has the full name of the car, as seen in game, for the Beetle, it might be VW_Beetle or something.
6. Open the file in notepad
7. I'm using my Lexus SC300 as an example, but close to the top of the file, you will see some lines like this:

public class Lexus_SC300 extends Lexus_SC300_models
public Lexus_SC300( int id )
super( id );
carCategory = PACKAGE;

makerName = "Baiern Cars Gmbh";
model = MODEL_Lexus_SC300;
vehicleName = "1992 Lexus SC300";
name = "1992 Lexus SC300 chassis";

description = Maaaaaaaaad Lexus.

value = mHUF2USD(2.1);
brand_new_prestige_value = 32.50;

"vehicleName" is how it appears in the shop category.
"name" is how what will show when working on the car and the tool cursor is over the chassis

8. Change the description/name to you own accord, however, make sure to always put it in the same format, don't delete spaces between codes and signs.
9. Ctrl+S to save it and see if it works.

Disclaimer: ALL cars are different, depending how the mod maker has done it. For some cars, you will need to look around to find the right one, as some have different versions in the "src" files. It is also possible that the car is virtually impossible to change the name of, for example, the JDW AE86 is pretty much not changeable in my books, I like to properly name my cars but this one just doesn't budge.

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!

- ThesKidKid


Posts: 349

Location: Dominican Republic
Age: 24
#3   2015-12-25 04:56          
TheSkidKid after the discussion in car/part search you do something good for the ommunity at least. Nice


Posts: 135
Location: Croatia Popovaca
Occupation: Remaking menus and other $h1z
Age: 23
V$: 2 000
#4   2015-12-25 09:06          
# TheSkidKid : Description and Name is easy, not sure about price though.

*removed all the text because short quote*

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!

- ThesKidKid

Yes,it helped a lot,thanks TheSkidKid and Merry Christmas ;)

I got some updated info about the beetle,but there are 2 exactly same to remove 1 of them(noob question)?
Nvm,i just had to delete one of the models :P


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Location: Estonia
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#5   2015-12-25 10:20          
Stupid question, but why did you change that description? For your own peace of mind? ;)


Posts: 135
Location: Croatia Popovaca
Occupation: Remaking menus and other $h1z
Age: 23
V$: 2 000
#6   2015-12-25 10:38          
# Coprone : Stupid question, but why did you change that description? For your own peace of mind? ;)

Yep,i like having some info about the car :)