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#1   2017-12-18 00:44          
I will report updates made to SlrrExhaustive (which will only concern bugs reported or ones I find) here.
Also if or when I find something more to add to the Native function thingmod
Or if I find something interesting to share like the MapRPKDecode or the RPKMergeTool
I will also try and relay bugreports here.

Concerning SlrrExhaustive I will keep an update link this one:
That will contain all the patches made from the start merged together but I will update the main file under the link from the SlrrExhaustive page as well.

Added 2 minutes later:

I got a bugreport for SlrrExhaustive that can crash the carlot (consistently if you have won the ROC and have the "secret" car) the patch for that has been merged to the main download link and to the patch download aswell.

Added 24 minutes later:

I also have some more offset definitions for the Native functions (setI,setF...) in the RawEdit class (under LINK) I did not update the download on the page but if some one wants to here are some more values:

public static IntValueAddress Address_I_bDrawHeadlightRays = new IntValueAddress(0x006187BC);
public static IntValueAddress Address_I_bDrawHeadlightFlares = new IntValueAddress(0x006187C0);
public static IntValueAddress Address_I_ShadowSize = new IntValueAddress(0x6187B8);
public static IntValueAddress Address_I_Shadows = new IntValueAddress(0x6187B4);
public static IntValueAddress Address_I_TextureSize = new IntValueAddress(0x6188B4);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_cfg_ShadowDetail = new FloatValueAddress(0x65AED0);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_cfg_ObjectDetail = new FloatValueAddress(0x65C424);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_cfg_VideoGamma = new FloatValueAddress(0x00617728);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_WheelGroundFeedbackFactor = new FloatValueAddress(0x60E020);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_WheelBreakeFactor = new FloatValueAddress(0x60E024);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_LastFrameDrawTime = new FloatValueAddress(0x63C528);
public static FloatValueAddress Address_F_GameTimeSeconds = new FloatValueAddress(0x0063C530);

This post was edited by amilmand (2017-12-18 01:10, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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#2   2017-12-18 01:15          
MMMh this is something i'll gladly follow :D
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#3   2017-12-18 12:49          
I pulled another suspension kit (a properly adjustable one) to the mod (only to the patch for now) to be able to create something like this:


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#4   2017-12-18 13:16          
:wtf: :wtf: :confused2: This is :RICE:
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#5   2017-12-18 13:25          
Yup... maybe it is overthetop a bit :P but whatever this was my childhood fantasy :)


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#6   2017-12-22 16:24          
I can confirm now that the InnerPolyEntry.unkownCount1 field in an RPK is indeed not used Slrr skips this field when loading models from an RPK.
(the call that returns the value of this field is made at 0053E40E and the result is thrown away at 0053E417 with another call after skipping the value in the buffer just above]) I did not find other code that accesses this part in the file buffer.


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#7   2017-12-22 18:26          
Click on it for RP.

JF1+Kondzixs RP; We have 12601£V currently.


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#8   2017-12-22 20:31          
Hey, I managed to get the game to work, but I have 1 problem. As soon as the effects of ReShade have completed loading, the overall UI disappears, I can still click on the icons, but I cant see them.

Do you know why? Mind you I dont have the most powerful PC if it has to do with that, but it normally runs my own modded SLRR at 1080p/45fps


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#9   2017-12-22 20:40          
hmm this sounds like reshade didnt find the speed variable, and it thinks it is some large value and blurs out everything it happened to me aswell during testing. please dont paste it here but maybe on pastebin can you share the d3d9.log to verify it finds the float?


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#10   2018-01-08 10:05          
I have updated the patch link (LINK) the tournament generation did not work as intended after you became one of the top 5 racers (I wanted to generate random racers instead of getting them from the ladder because it would be dull racing against the same cars over and over only because you cant improve your position any further.)


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#11   2018-01-09 15:29          
I updated the above link(LINK) again. It turns out the followSplineTrack() function of the Bot class can crash the game if unknown(for me) circumstances are met.
I used this function extensively; upon completing a lap all tournament opponents chose a new spline to follow if there was more than one defined, this sometimes resulted in silent crashes during tournament races. This error in the engine can still crash the game on tournament start but it is far too rare to properly debug and fix in the engine so this will remain a "half-workaround"...

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#12   2018-01-09 15:52          
Wouldnt you be able to let it pick two splines with a random seed and get midway from them? This would kind of make "infinite" variants of the same driveby
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#13   2018-01-09 16:11          
This followSplineTrack() call boils down to a command on a native object of type sl:0x0000006Er which refers to the native bot class defined in the exe, this is the source of the crash; the game processing the "AI_spline" command on a bot so until someone finds out what are the special circumstances that make the game crash I think the best is to avoid issuing more than the absolute minimum of AI_spline commands to the engine.
On the other hand if and when this gets fixed your idea is totally sound and would be interesting to see the randomised routes the cars take on a track sometimes using a shortcut othertimes not sometimes messing up a curve and the like, would surely make the races more lifelike.


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#14   2018-01-09 17:48          
On Valo City, will the AI re-route if they are knocked off course, or will they try and follow their original path? I have to wonder because I am considering trying to make the Shutokou Expressway (like in the series Tokyo Xtreme Racer) as a working SLRR map.


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#15   2018-01-09 19:20          
Well Valocity is different from other tracks I noticed that even if you drop an AI racer somewhere far from his intended spline it will navigate the track relatively competently meaning it wont collide with buildings and will try to avoid traffic, and will eventually get on-track and follow that, nevertheless if the spline goes through a building the car will try to do the same. This is probably done by utilising additional data telling the cars where the roads are (this should be the city.trc).
On regular tracks the AI will calculate the nearest point on the spline and full throttle straight to that point and after reaching it follows the spline as usual. There is another thing worth mentioning the AI does not care for the order of the control points they do not act like checkpoints; at a point where the spline is self-intersecting the cars momentum will decide which "branch" will be taken (thou that usually will be the logical one) if you have two segments running parallel to each other but with opposite normals (like a very narrow oval track) it can easily happen that the AI chooses the wrong branch turns around and simply ignore the other.
However you can use this behaviour as a "feature" aswell, in one of the races in SlrrExhaustive there is a jump over a fence that not all ai-cars can make on the first try mostly because they interfere with eachother, the ones that cant make it crash to the fence but I made a loop in the spline so the ones not making the jump will in time inch there way nearer to the other "branch" and will chose that to follow which will loop them around to try the jump again. The point here is that the loop(a part of the otherwise continuous spline) is not taken by all the cars (ignored by the ones that jump over and closer to a "later" part of the same spline).

Added 38 minutes later:

I watched the video only now realised that its a link
This is possible in Slrr without decoding the trc file format but would need the script of the track to manage the "traffic" cars only keeping in the game the ones near the player but they would need to be full AI racers "sitting" in traffic cars and that would mean numerous AI_spline commands which is unstable so it would be better with a .trc and regular traffic code in the background.

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-09 19:59, ago)


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#16   2018-01-09 20:16          
Is the "additional data" you meant are the coordinate? I mean, if valo city uses the "additional data" then there's some kind of calculation/script that manages it. Maybe it's possible to transfer it to the addon maps we usually made.

Also, idk it just my half-guessing, maybe Valo City utilizes something that makes road and the other things such as buildings, ped walks, or even grasslands separable (collision wise, .scx wise or something like that) so the AI will automatically scans every route available and makes it a priority?


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#17   2018-01-09 20:38          
Yes for valocity the rpk references the maps\city\ai\city.trc when defining the map with the lines:
gametype 0x00010035
params 0x00000010,0,0,0,0,0,0,maps\city\meshes\city.scm,maps\city\ai\city.trc

for the ROC_track this looks like:
gametype 0x00010035
params 0x0000001E

(the external ref with index 0001 is the system.rpk and the system:0x00000035r is the "native ground" script object)

also the city.rpk defines the "native road" script object with city:0x00000015r and the "native walk" script object with city:0x00000352r
the rsd of a NamedData with gametype 0x00000015 (road) lookls like this:
gametype 0x00000015 params 1;1,9

the rsd of a NamedData with gametype 0x00000352 (walk) looks like this:
gametype 0x00000352
params 1772;IIAAAAAAOMKFLCMDEGCNNCMEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAGMMLLA[..](the capital letters continue)

I assume that the data listed as a road is way to sparse so it has to be external and only the city.rpk references a trc file and only the city has roads so I'm guessing its the city.trc file containing the road data


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#18   2018-01-09 22:52          
ahhh i see. Now it's time to find out to encrypt/convert the .trc i guess...

Bigg Boss93

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#19   2018-01-09 23:15          
Ok this is a dumb guess of mine, but, is not that the trc is just a file exported with max, that says that the material called XYZ is the only route cars can follow?

Let me explain it better; all your roads use the same exact material called XYZ, now you export a file with max that tells to the game the coordinates of all the objects(vertex) that use it, and create a kind of virtual mesh/grid/spline where the cars can go, then everything else is just randomized(the turn left/right)... is this too utopic?
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)

Bigg Boss93

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#20   2018-01-10 13:49          
Random question; do you think you'd manage converting scx v3 to v4 and/or making the v4 exporter compatible with newer maxes?

That's something we'd really need
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#21   2018-01-10 14:44          
Interesting , nice work


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#22   2018-01-10 17:35          
Where can i find the enb/sweetfx you use in the exhaustive patch?

-the meme lives on

Bigg Boss93

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#23   2018-01-10 19:07          
Have you checked the downloads\sl\patches area?
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#24   2018-01-10 19:19          
I took a first look at the trc file it is not impossible to decode it is a collection of some bounded sized data all the way not the lookuptabled crap the RPKs use just a simple list I think the syntax I can figure out relatively easily thou the semantics I dont yet know how to test, we'll see.

Bigg Boss93:
[..]v4 exporter compatible with newer maxes?
I kind of know some maxscript so it certainly would not be impossible but as the 3dsmax5 version is the original (at least I think) the developers used maybe the community should stick to that it enforces some constraints that the engine needs... on the other hand it fails to necessitate the bound on the mesh-vertex-count... and crashes if the bone limit is exceeded... well thinking about it the time has probably come (and gone) for an update, it is a very large project in any case

it is part of the "SlrrExhastive Bits"


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#25   2018-01-10 22:45          
How do i install this? I put the files in my SLRR directory, ran the exe but the reshade doesn't do anything - says it's loaded and I can open the menu but there are no effects


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#26   2018-01-10 22:48          
As suspected the trc file does not have a complicated syntax still I have no clue what the values actually mean nevertheless I will post a 010 Editor template here so at least the structure of the file is known now.

Added 11 minutes later:

I uploaded to the same link a new version.
The d3d.ini had my SlrrRoot defined in it...("F:\Prog\Game\Slrr\" this should simply be ".\" the point means the current directory if you write it as a path) whenever you enter the ReshadeConfig it writes it back from the versatile notation I want it to use.
Nevertheless it should be good now.

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-10 23:00, ago)


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#27   2018-01-10 23:06          
Works now. Thank you!


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#28   2018-01-11 14:49          
I made two simple programs one for converting the trc to a human readable xml and one for back I still have no (not much) clue what the values represent but maybe someone will be enthusiastic enough to try changing them and figuring out what they mean this will maybe help that hero.
What I do know; the float values of the second list in the file are affecting the traffic lights if they are zeroed out they stay red forever.
The float values in the 4th list define the splines of the roads the first three floats define the position of a control point the second three the normal in the given point (I think its safe to assume these will define a Hermite spline just like the .spl files but that is just speculation), also the position of the (traffic)intersections are not defined here in the 4th list but the traffic cars will use that position when calculating their path this means if you add some value to the y position of the splines the traffic will not consistently hoover above the road but will snap back to the ground when crossing an intersection.

I hope someone will have the patience and/or the time to figure out the other stuff (there is a lot of other currently unknown data) if someone does I will be more than happy to upgrade these small programs to utilise the additional knowledge nevertheless the sourcecode is included so the ones feeling adventurous can use that as a starting point.

RawTrcDecode on GoogleDrive

Added 1 hour 46 minutes later:

I'm no fun, always with the technical stuff, I'll post some color from the mod for a change (so that people can at least tell me how unrealistic it looks )

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-11 16:36, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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#29   2018-01-11 17:04          
I'll start; those kits are cringeworthy :))
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#30   2018-01-11 17:59          
The words Rice and Cringe are not enough to describe the bodykit?How did you modeled that?
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#31   2018-01-11 21:17          
no offense man but stick to scripting :))


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#32   2018-01-11 21:23          

"...he's a good boy, just as you'd expect from a shibe" -Bigg Boss93

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#33   2018-01-11 21:58          
Ok lets close this embarassing moment now :D
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#34   2018-01-11 22:31          
[..]How did you modeled that?
It is made of 24 parts each one is a little bigger than needed this gives the required degrees of freedom to make them compatible with all the cars only their position needs to be updated to fit them to another one. I made it in this way so I could add them to all the cars in slrrexhaustive.

But scripting is sooo dry :P
I know the meta is different in the community nowadays :) lets say I bring some diversity to the mix I personally like the extreme shapes, anyhow realism is boring; but thats just my taste

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#35   2018-01-11 22:38          
I'm not fond of that kid(though i would have probably loved it as a kid) but i admire the work you did with it and i agree on the "realism is boring", i like a certain level of realism but i also like going full bs(as you might have seen on many of my mods, released and unreleased ones).

So keep up doing what you want rather than what others says, unless you desire to become an android :)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#36   2018-01-11 22:45          
Fully agree :)


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#37   2018-01-12 02:00          
How can I make this work for le bb93 the mwm doesn't crash my game but reshade doesn't work, the vanilla one crashes when i try to load a map but has reshade working

Bigg Boss93

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#38   2018-01-12 02:12          
So, i've been testing your reshade thang a bit, and i came to this(which should be pretty much obvious, but maybe isnt?!) conclusion..

First off let me show you these pics;

What i did was a really easy trick, first off i pointed the car, found the framing i wanted, then i rotated the camera around itself by 180°, in order to make it face the opposite direction(pic 1), i have enabled and disabled reshade and rotated the camera back to the original position and took the 2nd pic, as you can see now it's reflecting what i "cached" before, which is exactly what you see in pic 1.

While on pic 3 you can see what(you already know) happens once i have reactivated reshade, the car started reflecting itself.

So, speaking about a simple and dumb solution, you'd have to add an "universal" camera that points in the exact opposite direction than the one that you're using on the main viewport, make a small(1/4, 1/6 of the whole reso) viewport that must be moved out of the actual game viewport(kinda like the original mirror, just moved outside or under the main one), then you pick its image rather than the main one, and tadaaa, you've got sorta realistic reflections(still far from realistic but not as bad as a self-reflecting car).

Another thing you could do, in order to avoid a gpu overload(more than it already does, as it was making my sl run at 7fps in Valo, and i have a pretty decent gpu), is allowing in a way or another to lock the reflection caching, basically the same thing that happens when you disable the effects, but with a button and without, obviously, losing any of the other effects.

This way people could simply point their car, turn the camera around, stop the reflections, turn it back to its position and SNAP! Take a screenshot.

Here's other two random test screenshots;

It really needs proper AA >_>
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#39   2018-01-12 04:07          
Oooooh, nice :O

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#40   2018-01-12 06:34          
I'm afraid proper AA isn't really possible with ReShade