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#481   2018-11-13 10:56          
Nice :D


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#482   2018-11-13 16:34          
Dude, you are AWESOME! :bow:

> I still drive a bike, FOCKยก


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#483   2018-11-13 20:28          
man that's awesome :D with that I can finally make one of my dreams in SLRR wheelie competitions :P


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#484   2018-11-15 23:01          
# amilmand : Almost there but as you found out (judging by the static cast to int) this function returns a float soo its no good for you the full call would be to get the address of the value and decode it as an int:
The clues would have been: LINK
And the comments in the
public static final int IndexedData_GearNumber = 0x20FC-0x304;
   //this is an int getIndexedData will return
     strange but the RawEdit.getI with getIndexedAddr will suffice
public static final int IndexedData_Flags = 0x70;//int
Thanks, I think that was what I needed. It's returning really weird values, though. It doesn't seem to be correctly changing when the turn signals turn on.

I dont know what your goal is with the flags but I found that access to this value is of a readonly manner as most of the flags the game updates each frame and invalidates any changes you try to force (though you can get interesting state indicators so to say, (whether the blinker is on, is the car running and some others)
The idea here is to program something like American turn signals, where a single red light is shared for the city, brake, and turn signal functions, and the light turns off entirely when the turn signals are on at the same time as the brake or city lights. (Reference if you have no idea what I'm talking about.)

So basically, the pseudocode should go like this:
if flags & 1
 > if flags & 16
 > > turn off brake light
 > otherwise
 > > turn on brake light
if flags & 1
 > if flags & 16
 > > turn off city light
 > otherwise
 > turn on city light
if !(flags & 1) && !(flags & 4)
 > if flags & 16
 > > turn on brake light
But I can't quite get the flags to work.

By the way, is there a convenient way to display a glow object (or other render) aligned to a part, through Java, besides making it a whole separate part that can then be manipulated? I haven't figured this out yet. I have figured out how to display a render as a child of the part, but it always shows up at the center of the map. I can in fact make attachment parts for all of the glow objects, and then make them disappear under the map by moving their slot position, but I'd prefer not to do this if there is a more light-weight alternative (in terms of part count as well as not slowing down the game).

This post was edited by RedCarDriver (2018-11-15 23:21, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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#485   2018-11-16 00:17          
# amilmand :

Vibration when? :))
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#486   2018-11-16 09:23          
It's returning really weird values
These are not the flags set in the cfgs those are lost upon loading of the cfg (or rather they are not loaded to memory so its impossible to manipulate them directly as of yet)

American turn signals
I dont see a clear (reasonable) way to do this with the current setup.

glow object (or other render) aligned to a part
I only know of the way you described with making parts and slots a sophistication of the method would be to use the SetRenderType function of the Part class as to circumvent the actual attachment and detachment, or the slot movement and avoid suffering the flying glows upon flipping the car, also speed up the process somewhat.
The bad solution would be active monitoring and aligning the matrices but that is a horrendous idea.

Also there are some functions in the RenderRef class which you can try (I managed to change the color of the glow of a given (head)light but not of the projected texture) these are:
public native void setLight( int diffuse, int ambient, int specular );
public native void setFlare( ResourceRef glowtexture, int glowColor, float glowMinSize, float glowMaxSize, int flareCount, int rayCount );
So if you had detachable indicator and other lights(bulbs maybe) you probably would be able to make them do what you want but its getting complicated :/ (need to check if the parent-chassis has ignition and what not)

Bigg Boss93:


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#487   2018-11-16 09:43          
Alright, thanks. I was afraid it was going to be impossible to read the car's flags well enough to tell whether or not the headlights (or indicators, etc) are on. Thanks for the help, in any case.


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#488   2018-11-21 04:11          
I'm experiencing reproducible crashing if the cursor is on a menu button while the ReShade effects are loading. Is there a way to fix this?

This post was edited by RedCarDriver (2018-11-21 06:15, ago)


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#489   2018-11-21 08:21          
Maybe, crash it with this: LINK
And tell me the faulting module(it should be d3d9.dll if its the slrr_gi.exe we may manage) and offset (if windows doesnt tell you off the bat in the error message try: LINK)

I was afraid it was going to be impossible to read the car's flags well enough to tell whether or not the headlights (or indicators, etc) are on
I missed this somehow well this is not entirely true you can check for whether the car thinks its night time (this is the same flag that gets checked by the lights) and check for the rpm if its >0 if so the lights are most probably on, there is also a flag for the indicators (but of course for that to actually get flipped the cruse mode needs to be on) and all this is read only as the game overwrites changes.
Code would look along the lines:
int flags = RawEdit.getI(;
float rpm =;
if((flags & 0x8) != 0 && rpm > 1)
  //lights are most probably on
if((flags & 0x10000) != 0)
  //left indicator blinking (mind you this is true for the whole time its in the blinking state not just when its actually lit)
if((flags & 0x20000) != 0)
  /right indicator

But really you dont even need this, you can check for the steering with
getIndexedData(Chassis.IndexedData_CurrentSteering1) (the game does the same for the built in method)
for the indicators, (even enforce them when cruise mode is inactive).
And the current game time also can be acquired (the game checks for (currentTime < 75600 && currentTime >= 21600)) along with the rpm.
(and again the whole shabang for brake lights, IndexedData_BreakStrength, or clucth lights (if that is a thing) IndexedData_ClutchStrength ooor nitro lights IndexedData_NitroStrength and alot others)


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#490   2018-11-21 09:31          
# amilmand : Maybe, crash it with this: LINK
And tell me the faulting module(it should be d3d9.dll if its the slrr_gi.exe we may manage) and offset (if windows doesnt tell you off the bat in the error message try: LINK)

Alright, I'll try that.

I missed this somehow well this is not entirely true you can check for whether the car thinks its night time (this is the same flag that gets checked by the lights) and check for the rpm if its >0 if so the lights are most probably on, there is also a flag for the indicators (but of course for that to actually get flipped the cruse mode needs to be on) and all this is read only as the game overwrites changes.
Code would look along the lines:
int flags = RawEdit.getI(;
float rpm =;
if((flags & 0x8) != 0 && rpm > 1)
  //lights are most probably on
if((flags & 0x10000) != 0)
  //left indicator blinking (mind you this is true for the whole time its in the blinking state not just when its actually lit)
if((flags & 0x20000) != 0)
  /right indicator

That's actually exactly what I wanted, thanks! I'll try that out. And yes, I did want it to happen only when cruise mode is on - I wanted the custom turn signals to come on at exactly the same times as existing SLRR turn signals, except with the changes necessary to make them behave like American signals.

This post was edited by RedCarDriver (2018-11-21 09:47, ago)


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#491   2018-11-24 09:49          
Is it possible to run Exhaustive without reshade?

Boop Boop BAP


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#492   2018-11-24 16:55          
Shouldn't rely on it that heavily try and run it without the d3d9.dll (better to rename it though maybe sometime later youll need it, (or even better to just turn off some performance heavy effects GeneralShaderOverwrite ShadowShaderOverWrite and the like)).


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#493   2018-11-26 06:58          
Thanks man. I don't use reshade because my laptop is not good enough. I get too low fps even with all the features disabled

Boop Boop BAP


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#494   2018-11-26 20:03          
Is there any possible way to set part mass/weight by java? because I had an idea and I need to set weight by java to make it work.
Thanks in advance


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#495   2018-12-01 22:37          
Hey, sorry to bother you again, but do you have some idea what all of the variables in WheelRef.SetArm() and WheelRef.SetHub() do? The vast number of variables in there to test is intimidating. I figure "len" in there is probably length, but otherwise I have no idea.


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#496   2018-12-02 00:36          
Is it possible to change the engine inertia according to the game FPS? Because at low FPS the engines seems to lost all the power and torque, and at high FPS the engines become overpowered and it is kinda frustrating..
Something wrong is not right.


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#497   2018-12-02 02:04          
# adnan54 : Is it possible to change the engine inertia according to the game FPS? Because at low FPS the engines seems to lost all the power and torque, and at high FPS the engines become overpowered and it is kinda frustrating..
Ohhhh! This is why people tell me my engines are slow in their installation! :O


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#498   2018-12-02 11:14          
that's the same issue as a lot of game had these days, like Fallout 76 for the example.

would be hard imo. But not impossible since amilmand's is here ;D


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Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
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#499   2018-12-02 18:41          
Its not about the engines. At high fps the entire game is faster. Ive got a 144hz display and had to limit @ 70fps just because at 144 game goes too fast for everything, engine accel, braking, camera movement, etc


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#500   2018-12-21 23:18          
Hello, i'm new into this, sorry if im just asking for something very common but i cant find an answer for my problem, so here it goes.
I'm trying to add cars via moving the _data and .rpk file into the racers folder but they wont ever show up in game, how can i solve this?


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#501   2018-12-22 01:34          
Are you looking in the car dealer? Because the car dealer doesn't refresh for a couple of in-game days. Most of the time, you have to buy new cars through MWM's vehicle catalog.


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#502   2018-12-26 17:57          
# amilmand : I was kind of intrigued so I went ahead and made a DynamicRim whose size (width and radius) and appearance can be "tuned" furthermore I added a DynamicTyre to this DynamicRim with "tune-able" mesh, size and other params (the wheel params that can passed to the SetupTyre(..) function) the result is interesting :) , I also maintained the paintability of the rims with a trick (I made a RenderRef with a texture array consisting of 10 of the same texture which is handily the paintable one, this ofcourse makes all textures the rim uses paintable even the reflection but reshade overwrites that so no harm done (well at least when reshade is active))
(For this(the dynamic mesh selection) to work I had to make a long list of valid mesh TypeIDs and renderRef TypeIDs for tyres and rims so the solution is not hmm portable but it can be done (and if we'll find a way to get the MeshID of a given renderRef in script it can be made portable aswell, nevertheless the method can easily be used for a single modded rim)

I know it looks silly but at least now we CAN make it look dumb without much hassle.

I added this to the "Ever refreshing patchlink" for SlrrExhaustive
Sorry for bumping, but is it possible to have this feature as a standalone mod? :D


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#503   2019-02-04 13:46          
Sorry if it's a really noob question, but how hard would it be to get the depth buffer (and ui detection) from your reshade/exe working properly on 2.3.1?

Love all of the work you've done in this mod btw. Even for the Reshade alone, i've never seen someone other than the Reshade devs themselves put that much work into their own custom shaders.

This post was edited by th3cr4pm4n (2019-02-04 13:52, ago)


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#504   2019-02-05 19:28          
Does someone have his last reshade pack for MWM? The Google Drive link isnt working anymore :/
Something wrong is not right.


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#505   2019-02-06 05:59          
If you download it from the normal download link it should download all versions. Just checked that it works too.


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#506   2019-03-26 22:07          
Is there any possible way to set part mass/weight by java? because I had an idea and I need to set weight by java to make it work.
Thanks in advance
No clue sry, the simulation part of the game is a right spaghetti.
But you can move the parts around with the slot positioning functions if perhaps you are trying to balance a car just a guess.

Hey, sorry to bother you again, but do you have some idea what all of the variables in WheelRef.SetArm() and WheelRef.SetHub() do? The vast number of variables in there to test is intimidating. I figure "len" in there is probably length, but otherwise I have no idea.
I can only guess but
setArm( float len, float px, float py, float pz, float nx, float ny, float nz );
I would think is
setArm( float lenght, float position_x, float position_y, float position_z, float normal_x, float normal_y, float normal_z );
as in the position and the normal vector of the arm.
setHub( float len, float p1x, float p1y, float p1z, float p2x, float p2y, float p2z, float pcx, float pcy, float pcz );
As for the hub I would think the last three would be the postion_center vector coordinates.

Is it possible to change the engine inertia according to the game FPS? Because at low FPS the engines seems to lost all the power and torque, and at high FPS the engines become overpowered and it is kinda frustrating..
The global engine inertia factor is highjacked by reshade :/ so changes made by a raw memory edit would be overwritten in the reshaded version.

Hello, i'm new into this, sorry if im just asking for something very common but i cant find an answer for my problem, so here it goes.
I'm trying to add cars via moving the _data and .rpk file into the racers folder but they wont ever show up in game, how can i solve this?
If you are trying to mod the Exhaustive version, sadly there is just no room left for more rpk-s to be added (and there are a lot of generated scripts,lists and whatnot which regulate the abundant number of mods so its in no way a cakewalk even if you would be ok to just switch something rather than to add).

Sorry for bumping, but is it possible to have this feature as a standalone mod?
It operates on a list of the available rim and tyre models among other hacks so a plug and play version is not exactly possible.

[..]from your reshade/exe working properly on 2.3.1
Reshade works in conjunction with a considerably modified slrr.exe which reports some progress on predetermined events during render so not directly (I would need to modify the 2.3.1 exe which would be at the least a dick move to Raxxat and Silent at the most against regulations (on the account of it being a maintained version) :/ or well it could be considered a dick move anyhow.

Google Drive link isnt working anymore
Yeah someone had the audacity to flag it for abuse... I reuploaded it and refreshed the download page.

I merged the Slrr Exhaustive patch into the main download and added some small features:
You can earn bonus money on tournaments for air-time and drifting, and I added a Fresnel factor for the reflection to tone it down a bit.


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#507   2019-03-27 01:09          
Nice to see you again!

# amilmand : The global engine inertia factor is highjacked by reshade :/ so changes made by a raw memory edit would be overwritten in the reshaded version.
Since reshade overwrite the engine inertia factor, isn't it possible to reshade itself change the engine inertia factor automatically?

This bring me to another question: is it possible to make a "light" version from reshade with only the physics parameters (and the yaca/any motion blur effect)? because even with all effects disabled my potato computer still cant pass 15fps when reshade is instaled..
Something wrong is not right.


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#508   2019-03-27 01:36          
# adnan54 : Nice to see you again!

Since reshade overwrite the engine inertia factor, isn't it possible to reshade itself change the engine inertia factor automatically?

This bring me to another question: is it possible to make a "light" version from reshade with only the physics parameters (and the yaca/any motion blur effect)? because even with all effects disabled my potato computer still cant pass 15fps when reshade is instaled..

I just removed the effects I don't use by deleting the .fx file of them and removed them from the main reshade ini file

Added 4 minutes later:

# amilmand : No clue sry, the simulation part of the game is a right spaghetti.
But you can move the parts around with the slot positioning functions if perhaps you are trying to balance a car just a guess.

Good to see you around again, no that doesn't help to my idea, my idea was to read a phys or a part weight and set the weight of that phys or part, due an idea I had, but I think it can be done in other way, instead of using the part you have it changes to other which already have that weight, probably it's going to be the best way, and thanks :D


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#509   2019-05-14 08:15          
Is there any way to get each wheel's speed individually? Also, is it possible to disable a part collision ingame?
Something wrong is not right.


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#510   2019-05-19 19:08          
[..]each wheel's speed individually[..]
WheelRef whl =;//the order used by the stock cars: 0:front_left 1:front_right 2:rear_left 3:rear_right (I think)
Will tell you a value proportional to the angular velocity of the front left wheel (if the given chassis has that one defined first).
This value is something that you can also set to add torque to the wheel: minuses will make the wheel rotate as to move the car forward and positive values will make the car go in reverse.
The value set manually with the RawEdit.setF function will fall off quickly so you would need to set it continuously for longer distances (to test it a value in the range of 1000 is enough to nudge a car a bit backwards:
WheelRef whl =;

disable a part collision ingame
That is tricky one would need to mess around with the instance hierarchy of the given part and somehow filter out the INSTANCE_PHYSICS resources which are indeed actual collisions and not a steering node or something like that...
I cant give you a usable solution for that.


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#511   2019-05-21 03:23          
That was exactly what i needed, thanks a lot
Something wrong is not right.


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#512   2019-05-25 23:09          
Hi, i love the pack you've created. Ive been playing street legal about 15 years and once i came across this i never touched the base game again. I seem to be having an issue though in the later stages of the game. When i exit my garage and head to the night time drag races, I select "Participate" and my game instantly crashes to desktop. This happens regardless of what car i use and its completely halted my progress :crying: Ive checked the error.log and its only a few lines so i shall pop it in here:

    Invalid wear!
    Invalid wear!
    !Script error

    Error: Thread::evalName: null.methodcall()

    java.lang.GameType:run (line:156)
    !Instance::getArrayElement: index (300) out of bounds (300) for variable length at file "" at line 1367
    !Instance::getArrayElement: index (300) out of bounds (300) for variable length at file "" at line 1367
    !Instance::getArrayElement: index (300) out of bounds (300) for variable length at file "" at line 1367
    !Instance::getArrayElement: index (300) out of bounds (300) for variable length at file "" at line 1367

Hopefully this'll mean something to someone. I get that there's an issue with a Subaru WRX STI but i haven't got a clue how to fix it.

Thanks in advance for keeping this awesome game alive.


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#513   2019-05-26 00:12          
Hmm something seems fishy you should not get the Invalid wear errors, I removed every reference to that particular error message from the exe quite some time ago.
But maybe its just some remnant message from long ago.

Your is not the latest one somehow, but I think I know where the error is coming from so lets try this first on your end:
open the *slrr_root_dir*\sl\Scripts\game\src\ file and replace this line:
if(Math.random() < 0.5 && (playerID+5) <= clubMax )
to this:
if(Math.random() < 0.5 && (playerID+5) < clubMax )

replace this other line:
if(Math.random() < 0.5 && (playerID+10) <= clubMax )
to this other line:
if(Math.random() < 0.5 && (playerID+10) < clubMax )
If indeed these do exist if not then share your \sl\Scripts\game\src\ file and I'll fix it and post it back thats fine too

Also delete the error.log file to clean it up, the game will recreate it on a crash (that would write to it) so you wont miss error messages.


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#514   2019-05-26 12:31          
Brilliant! That seems to have fixed it :) Thank you very much, i really appreciate you taking the time to help. Could you offer me some gameplay tips? Im on the Red Flames races and the cars im using are all 1000+ bhp monsters that wheel spin in every gear which is costing me a lot of time in the drag races. Ive tried fitting bigger and wider wheels and tyres but it doesnt seem to make any difference. Is there a way to get more grip from the cars with lots of torque?


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#515   2019-05-26 13:38          
I'm glad it worked out :)
All wheel drive seems to help aaand there are some tires with insane grip for the 15' rims if push comes to shove, however silly it looks :P


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#516   2019-05-26 14:38          
Ill give them a try, im about ready for a new play through as ive just won the race of champions with a Lamborghini Diablo with a Dodge Viper engine in it. I might do a 4 cylinder run and see how far i can get! :)


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#517   2019-07-02 14:03          
can i please get some help please whenever i'm loading my career the game keeps crashing :/


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#518   2019-07-04 03:18          
# lildemon : can i please get some help please whenever i'm loading my career the game keeps crashing :/

Whats your error log say? Try using a clean install slrr and new career.


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#519   2019-07-04 15:03          
# blast : Whats your error log say? Try using a clean install slrr and new career.
JVM::compileSource: Syntax error in ".\cars\racers\Astra_J\scripts\src\" at line 147
!Script error

Thread: THRD-RUNVMI Dummy.handleEvent
Error: Thread::callmethod: native implementation missing for "Ljava.lang.RawEdit;.setI" (line:12711) (line:219) (line:14259) (line:976)
java.render.osd.Gadget:sendMessage (line:216)
java.render.osd.Button:click (line:31)
java.render.Group:handleEvent (line:178)
i already used a new career it still crashes and i re download the game it still crashes on career this is the only slrr mod that keeps crashing on career when i try to load it. My other slrr don't crash


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#520   2019-07-13 18:35          
apoligies for the stupid question - when i download this do i have to apply the patch to it to get it to the latest version? im newish to SLRR and have no idea how to go about this.

an idea for the release would use appveyor which automaticaly updates with whatever change if this were hosted on github or something etc so you wont have to apply the patch and just download it as a whole