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Posts: 2

Location: Poland
V$: Shifu
#1   2018-07-22 03:11          
Hey there!

Few of u might know me, im Dave, aka David_69.
Just saw that gom is down for good, pity...
I decided to take a look hows the slrr community is doing, nice to see ur site alive and this old game, its Guiness record IMO.
To the point, like back @ gom, i was always up for a help in modding, teaching, explaining (defenetly NOT in basics and NOT java) so here i am.
Slrr is still my fav game, its closed chapter for me as modder, but I can mod differently :)


PS> id call this toppic Modding skool, it would be silly?!

This post was edited by _Dave (2018-07-22 03:30, ago)
If any1 will need some help in modding, im here, cfg, rdb, bit of java
Modding SLRR since 2003 /


Posts: 617

Location: Puerto Rico
Occupation: Insta:SLRR.JP
#2   2018-07-22 03:24          
Hey Dave i know how sad that Gom is down but they made a discord

Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#3   2018-07-22 12:49          
Nah man go on, change the name, though we already have two main help sections so you might want to reply to people's questions over there, unless you are making legit tutorials over here(besides of getting questions).

Anyways nice to see you here, hope you'll enjoy your staying :D
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


Posts: 2

Location: Poland
V$: Shifu
#4   2018-07-25 20:06          
thx for nice welcome :)

i believe that community have enough tutorials, so gr8 to see ppl still modding :)

Keep it up, im up for helping (just in case).
If any1 will need some help in modding, im here, cfg, rdb, bit of java
Modding SLRR since 2003 /